Scratch – Junior Level Course

Junior level lessons are specifically designed for Primary 1 to Primary 4 students. If you have never got in contact with Scratch programming before, we also recommend you start from scratch. Through writing code to implement 12 projects, students would build a strong foundation for Scratch programming and learn to solve the programming challenge with computational thinking mindset.

The instructor will use various projects to explain the knowledge points of Scratch programming. Those projects are arranged in a way whose complexity increases gradually. Their themes are not limited to games, but also cover story animation, music creation and artistic design.

In The Coding Fun, students are strongly encouraged to customize their projects and inject their own ideas and innovations. Our instructors are more than willing to review the submitted programming work and give detailed feedback and suggestions.

Course Content

In the lesson:

  1. Teacher introduces a project and writes code together with the student(s). Teacher will explain the usage of the programming blocks and why to code in this way.
  2. Teacher will summarize the key knowledge points at the end of the lesson.
  3. After all the main functionality of the project is finished, students could add in their own ideas to customize his/her projects. It is free style.

After the lesson:

  1. Students could continue updating his/her project by adding new features (optional). They could contact the teacher when they have issues.
  2. Teacher will send the knowledge points (mentioned in Step 2) to students as a revision document. It might also contain a few quiz questions to check if students know well.

Project Gallery